Xin Baoan (center), chairman of State Grid Corp of China, speaks during a session at the Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin on Tuesday. [Photo/Xinhua]
The State Grid Corp of China, a State-owned power supplier, vowed on Tuesday to bolster international collaboration in green energy development, offering regional solutions that will contribute to the global pursuit of carbon neutrality.
Xin Baoan, chairman of the State Grid, said the company will take a series of measures to enhance the global cooperation of energy facilities, strengthen the interconnection with neighboring countries in terms of power grids, boost policy coordination, promote the internationalization of energy production, consumption, and trade, and actively participate in the formulation of international standards.
The remarks were made at the ongoing 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in Tianjin.
Xin said that to promote green energy transformation, State Grid has made an action plan to achieve its decarbonization goals and accelerate the construction of a new type of power system in China.
The company also increased investment in major scientific and technological projects, and initiated the establishment of the innovative alliance on the new type of power system.
It also strengthened grids" construction, which greatly improved the capacity and ensured stable operations after connecting with a large amount of new energies. Up to now, the State Grid has built 33 ultra-high-voltage transmission and transformation projects, constructed the world"s largest new energy cloud platform that connected over 4.4 million new energy stations.
In addition, the grid has vigorously promoted energy storage development, and facilitated the electrification of terminal energy consumption. At present, electricity accounts for 27 percent of total energy consumed at the users" end, and this proportion will further increase in the future, Xin said.
He said power supply this year will be stable and controllable and State Grid has optimized grid dispatching through various measures.
- State Grid aims to bolster global collaboration in green energy_天天观焦点
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