Energy is all about China, said Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) CEO Benedikt Sobotka at a news conference of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in North China"s Tianjin Municipality on Tuesday.
Sobotka said he is very optimistic about China, particularly anything related to energy transition.
"Without a Chinese manufacturing base that is so competitive, we cannot achieve the energy transition," he said.
Sobotka said China is the core of innovation in energy transition, not just for new products, but also for industrial manufacturing processes that bring efficient, highly competitive products to other world markets, such as Africa and Europe.
"There is no energy decision without China," he said.
China is by far the largest market for electric vehicles. With a 60 percent share of the global market, it is one of the fastest growing markets. It also accounts for roughly 95 percent of the world"s photovoltaic sales, and boasts more than 60 percent of the world"s wind farms, Sobotka noted.
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